SuperSex Me
so, what does this have to do with the price of chocolate in blogland?
for the 97 millionth time, i listened to people go around in intellectual circles and tie their brains in knots, debating gay marraige. it will ruin society. the government has no business legislating love. we have to favor procreative unions. consenting adults have rights concerning their private lives. the bible is against it. people who don't believe in the bible shouldn't have to follow it.
how about this: keep your private life private. love whomever you like. have sex however you want. live with anyone who makes you happy. just don't throw it in my face and tell me i have to endorse it.
don't talk to my husband at work about your gay lover-or your straight lover. don't teach my kids about your lesbian partner- or your hetero partner. don't make out in the streets, and in parades, and on "family TV" shows- with anyone of either sex. if people want to watch porn, let them rent it. i don't care if you're gay or straight- i don't want to see your public displays of affection, or your clingy 'but this is my life partner' moves, or your skin tight clothes, or your tattoos on your ass. have a little dignity. keep your private stuff private.
"but what about maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaariage?" you whine. do what you want in your inner sanctum. just leave my outer sanctum out of it. you want health insurance for your partner? legislate that. you want your partner to be your next of kin for medical stuff? give them power of attorney like i gave my husband. you want to make sure your partner gets custody of your test tube kid if you die? draw up the guardianship papers. or make a will. or lobby congress to recognize your relationship. but it won't be a marriage.
sorry, but that's just the sad fact.
you can serve meatloaf for supper and call it ice cream, but it's still meatloaf. you can run a red light and tell the cop, "oh, i respect an adult's right to choose what color they will stop for, and i choose purple." good luck with that. you can call a skunk a goldfish, but it still smells like a skunk and will drown in your fishbowl.
just separate the issues. you want me to accept your partner? i don't have to and you shouldn't care. i don't care where you stick your body parts, and you shouldn't care where i stick mine. have relationships or partnerships or 'friends with benefits' or whatever you want. just keep it to yourself, like a decent respectable person should, and if you have other legal concerns, then address them.
but don't call what you have a marriage and don't throw your sex in my face.