Sweeten My Milk Or Go Jump
in india there is a story about a certain group of people from another land. they wished to come and live in india, so they sent a message to the king, requesting his permission to come and settle there. the king sent a messenger with a full glass of milk, bearing the message that, like the glass, india was full to the top, and could not contain any more people. the leader of the tribe from afar sent the messenger back with an amount of sugar, which he poured into the milk, slowly stirring it as it dissolved and he could add more and more. with this, he sent the message that his tribe would not be like more milk, but rather like sugar, that sweetens the milk as it is absorbed.
great story, and very light-shedding about the immigration situation today. i am mainly referring here to muslims -mostly arab muslims- and not mexicans, so before you get your knickers in a knot, just pay attention.
america's charm was that it was a melting pot. not that every immigrant here would shed their vital selves to become part of the american non-culture, but rather that by sweetening america with their own contributions they could both be absorbed and enhance the society. the idea that people could come here seeking a better life meant that, by necessity, they would shed some of their customs and expectations, but that, on balance, it was still worth it to come here for the opportunities this country had to offer. where and when this all changed, i'm not sure. but it's turning into a train wreck.
i'm not saying that new immigrants can't have enclaves of culture from the 'mother country'. mexican town, china town, whatever- all are great in that they allow new immigrants a safe place to settle while they cautiously venture into american society and 'melt' into it. all are great in that they give mainstream americans a reference point to see and appreciate cultures that they otherwise might only learn about in social studies classes. all are great in that they give the children of immigrants an experience (albeit limited) of 'where my people came from'., fair enough.
but when immigrants come here and bring their ways and customs and expect america to cater to them and prop them up in their total lack of assimilation or appreciation for this society that took them in, they have gone too far. it's kind of like geting married, but expecting after the wedding to 'see other people'. or taking a job, but then still sleeping in every day until noon and going out to lunch for 2-1/2 hours. saying yes to one thing means saying no to something else. opening one door means closing another. people who come to america can reasonably expect every dignity and privledge extended to any other american. in return, they should reasonably expect to get with the program- or get out. don't bring your garbage here and then get on a soapbox about how people have to accept it. because actually, we don't.
if, for example, an american burns a flag in protest over whatever, that is iffy. if an immigrant comes here and burns our flag, i say don't let the door hit you on the way out of the country. sorry, but the boss's son can get away with a lot of nonsense in his father's company that the regular worker just can't pull. same here. if you come here, embrace it. if you don't like it, then decide if it's still better than where you came from. if it is, suck it up. if it isn't, then go the heck back.
if you plan to come here to abuse our systems and exploit our freedoms and spoil our milk, then you deserve every bad thing that anybody wishes on you and more.
that's my story and i'm stickin to it.
great story, and very light-shedding about the immigration situation today. i am mainly referring here to muslims -mostly arab muslims- and not mexicans, so before you get your knickers in a knot, just pay attention.
america's charm was that it was a melting pot. not that every immigrant here would shed their vital selves to become part of the american non-culture, but rather that by sweetening america with their own contributions they could both be absorbed and enhance the society. the idea that people could come here seeking a better life meant that, by necessity, they would shed some of their customs and expectations, but that, on balance, it was still worth it to come here for the opportunities this country had to offer. where and when this all changed, i'm not sure. but it's turning into a train wreck.
i'm not saying that new immigrants can't have enclaves of culture from the 'mother country'. mexican town, china town, whatever- all are great in that they allow new immigrants a safe place to settle while they cautiously venture into american society and 'melt' into it. all are great in that they give mainstream americans a reference point to see and appreciate cultures that they otherwise might only learn about in social studies classes. all are great in that they give the children of immigrants an experience (albeit limited) of 'where my people came from'., fair enough.
but when immigrants come here and bring their ways and customs and expect america to cater to them and prop them up in their total lack of assimilation or appreciation for this society that took them in, they have gone too far. it's kind of like geting married, but expecting after the wedding to 'see other people'. or taking a job, but then still sleeping in every day until noon and going out to lunch for 2-1/2 hours. saying yes to one thing means saying no to something else. opening one door means closing another. people who come to america can reasonably expect every dignity and privledge extended to any other american. in return, they should reasonably expect to get with the program- or get out. don't bring your garbage here and then get on a soapbox about how people have to accept it. because actually, we don't.
if, for example, an american burns a flag in protest over whatever, that is iffy. if an immigrant comes here and burns our flag, i say don't let the door hit you on the way out of the country. sorry, but the boss's son can get away with a lot of nonsense in his father's company that the regular worker just can't pull. same here. if you come here, embrace it. if you don't like it, then decide if it's still better than where you came from. if it is, suck it up. if it isn't, then go the heck back.
if you plan to come here to abuse our systems and exploit our freedoms and spoil our milk, then you deserve every bad thing that anybody wishes on you and more.
that's my story and i'm stickin to it.
At Friday, June 23, 2006 5:14:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
hi i'm a friend of Josh, and I came to check out the blog. interesting stuff. I happen to agree on the immigration thing completely. also, the "cookie whore" post was very funny.
anyways just thought i'd comment rather than "lurk"
At Friday, June 23, 2006 10:49:00 AM,
BlogBlond said…
hi FOJ! thanks for the positive feedback. and thanks for your non-lurkage!
At Sunday, June 25, 2006 8:47:00 AM,
Josh said…
And who lives in the ghetto?
At Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:31:00 AM,
BlogBlond said…
josh- huh?
At Sunday, June 25, 2006 10:06:00 AM,
Josh said…
BB - Answer: You! You bash the immigrants for not mixing, but look at your block!
At Sunday, June 25, 2006 5:45:00 PM,
BlogBlond said…
okay, honey- first of all, i am not an immigrant, nor are any other families on my ghetto block. secondly, we speak the language and are (mostly) culturally literate. finally, we fully appreciate all that this country has to offer us, and do not seek to undermine it or destroy it from within. and finally, we raise such awesome families that we sweeten the milk exponentially more than the majority of the non-ghetto population.
you're just jealous because you have to move to sucky new york instead of coming here :)
At Wednesday, June 28, 2006 8:08:00 AM,
ggggg said…
I agree with this post!!
At Friday, June 30, 2006 6:36:00 AM,
Josh said…
Dearie - don't be bitter - I told you upfront that the guest room wouldn't be enough.
I agree that people shouldn't move here if they hate it so much that they want to destroy it. But those are very different than immigrants who mass amongst themselves into cultural enclaves. But most terrorist wannabes that are here either came specifically to create that havoc, came as part of a family, or later realized the "evil" of America. Religion puts a funny spin on things - instead of saying, "This place isn't for me," it creates a "This place is evil and is a blight to the world." That tends to draw a stronger reaction, like terrorists. I think we don't have a real threat in this country from any of the latter groups - they don't have any real training or motivation to do serious damage. It is the infiltrating twerps with a suicide mission that pose the greatest threat. And that is why I believe in a National ID Card.
Have a great Shabbos - when shall I see you next?
At Friday, January 12, 2007 2:23:00 PM,
Chabad Chammer said…
This article nicely supports your post:
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