Blog This!
stupid people just get on my nerves.
not stupid people with an excuse, like people with head injuries, or those with really bad genes- more like those who could be smarter if they would only stop and think about what they are saying.
on someone else's blog, there were some comments that were so overwhelmingly stupid they made me want to throw things- and i am not a thrower by nature... there are some people who just parade their stupidity like a trophy that they want to show off. their stupidity is their garb of choice, and they wrap themseles in it and go for a stroll down the public thoroughfare, proudly strutting in their Stupid coat (with matching Stupid boots). they are like country-western stars and instead of wearing denim and sequins, they are studded in stupid.
i wonder if these people have an inkling- like a vague tickle in the back of their small minds- they they really might be stupid, or if they are so wrapped up in their own stupidness that they really just can't be bothered to notice?
you know the quote that it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt?
well, it's like that.
not stupid people with an excuse, like people with head injuries, or those with really bad genes- more like those who could be smarter if they would only stop and think about what they are saying.
on someone else's blog, there were some comments that were so overwhelmingly stupid they made me want to throw things- and i am not a thrower by nature... there are some people who just parade their stupidity like a trophy that they want to show off. their stupidity is their garb of choice, and they wrap themseles in it and go for a stroll down the public thoroughfare, proudly strutting in their Stupid coat (with matching Stupid boots). they are like country-western stars and instead of wearing denim and sequins, they are studded in stupid.
i wonder if these people have an inkling- like a vague tickle in the back of their small minds- they they really might be stupid, or if they are so wrapped up in their own stupidness that they really just can't be bothered to notice?
you know the quote that it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt?
well, it's like that.
At Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:34:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
thank you, BB, thank you! you have just rescued me from the train wreck. now i can go do carpool without blowing somwthing up.
At Thursday, April 27, 2006 8:33:00 PM,
Josh said…
Stupid, checking in. Just for the record, being stupid is much more fun than being edgy.
At Friday, April 28, 2006 5:15:00 AM,
BlogBlond said…
p-chick: not addressed to you at all. didn't forrest gump say stupid is as stupid does???
anon- glad i saved someone's day!
joshface- just for the record, you are not the one i was venting about. and if i thought you were being stupid, i would definitely tell you straight out- that's just how close i feel to you :)
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