
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Jimma Carter Drinks The Koolaid, Smokes The Crack, and Loses What's Left Of HIs Small Small Mind

so, notorious peace, love, and habitat for humanity saint jimma carter has once again thrust his pathetic self into the spotlight. i can only hope that he has some type of serious degenerative dementia, or possibly a gigantic brain tumor, and that is the reason for his complete and total lack of any rational thought.

i heard him read an excerpt from his book mein kampf- oops, no, it is actually called something like "why the jews are satan's spawn and the arabs are completely righteous in every way". i think the prologue is about why it is taking so darn long to push those stinkin' jews into the sea already, and it pretty much goes downhill from there.

he defends his choice of calling isreal palestine- clearly his brain has not yet embraced the sad fact thet it is not 1947- because really the israelis/jews/zionists are on the palestinian land in that part of the world. that's why they are blowing each other and everyone else up all over the globe every chance they get- because the jews are trespassing on arab land in the middle east.

and just when you think it couldn't get any more trainwrecky -or ignorant- he compares the jewish state to south africa during apartheid. the small minority abusing the majority, etc. i guess if he consideres the whole middle east arab territory, then the jews would indeed be a minority. never mind all historical fact about israel winning territory in defensive wars which the arabs started- and which has been given away for nothing except meaningless world opinion (which has not gotten any more favorable for the jews since they gave up a good measure of their security to pacify the ignorant masses...). never mind that the jews treat the arabs in israel better than the surrounding arab countires treat their own citizens. forget that, in every measure of a civilized society- from environmentalism to women's rights to democracy- israel is by far the best developed place in the region. put aside that the arabs who still choose to live in refugee camps do so of their own volition and because of the using of them by their holy arab brethren. forget all fact, all history, and all common sense, and then you may actually agree with a single sentence in jimma's book.

can't wait until he receives the nobel peace prize for his work in bringing people together.

zig heil.


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